Frequently asked questions about our upcoming REV23 cloud and mobile app

Nate Laff · Wednesday, January 31, 2024

We’re finally almost there! While this took much longer than I was hoping, I can’t say it wasn’t worth it! And now, it’s finally time to start talking about what our new mobile app is (and isn’t!)

I’ve said before but need to reiterate here. This app is not a companion or a direct replacement for REV23 Desktop! It is a separate product and service, built from the ground up. It lacks many features that REV23 Desktop has. Many of which will be added over time, but for version one, we wanted to address immediate needs that weren’t being adequately taken care of in other cloud applications, which is our very industry specific release forms, service and client management. So, let’s discuss in a FAQ format what we’re about to release!

Q: Is this new app cloud based?

A: YES! REV23 is completely cloud based. There is a website and iPadOS app that share most of the same functionality. There are some things that are platform specific, or didn’t quite make it in yet for version 1. For example, designing release forms must happen on the website. You will not lose any data if you lose or replace your iPad as all of your data is securely stored in the cloud.

Q: Can I use this with REV23 Desktop?

A: There is not currently any integration between REV23 (app) and REV23 Desktop (Windows). This may come in the future, but it is not currently implemented and not a scheduled work item.

Q: Is there scheduling or deposits?

A: Scheduling and deposits are not included in v1 of the app, but will be one of the next features added after release.

Q: Can clients fill out paperwork from home?

A: YES! You can give clients a link to your REV23 site which will allow them to fill out and sign a release form. You may need to add additional information when they get there, such as the ID if required.

Q: Is there POS?

A: POS (point-of-sale) is also not included in v1 of the app. This one is tricky as so many other apps such as Square and Clover are already taking care of this space pretty efficiently. We will monitor feedback for this, but check the next question about webhooks!

Q: Is there integration with <<insert service here>>

A: The app supports webhooks. Initially we will only support webhooks via Zapier, a third-party service that acts as a middle-man between two or more apps. For instance, when a tattoo is ended, it will send a notification to Zapier which will then send a notification to QuickBooks, Square, etc… where you can have the client pay. Other examples may include when a release form is generated you can have it stored to your Google Drive or OneDrive, send the client an email copy, or start a robot mop after the tattoo has ended. There is no shortage of the flexibility of webhooks! Additionally, information can come IN to REV23 via these same webhooks, for example creating a customer record from a Google Form, etc…

Q: Will there be support for custom webhooks or other integration services?

A: Sure! We will monitor feedback on other integrations such as IFTTT, and allowing your own custom webhook subscriptions. For now we thought Zapier was a great platform to introduce this concept to users.

Q: Can I track supplies I use for a tattoo/piercing?

A: YES! There is full support for tracking lot numbers/expiration dates of inks and disposable supplies like tubes, grips, etc… as well as jewelry details.

Q: Can the release form have initials, etc…

A: Our release form design is very customizable and should handle most scenarios you can throw at it.

Q: Can I scan drivers license barcodes like I do with REV23 Desktop?

A: YES! We have brought our same custom decoder to this app using the iPad’s camera to capture the ID then read the information to fill out client details.

Q: Are duplicate records prevented for returning clients?

A: YES! In the first steps a client enters their name, birthdate, email or phone number. If a match is found a code will be sent to them to verify their identity. The release form will then be stored for that same client record instead of creating a new one.

Q: Can I import data from <<insert service/app here>>

A: We have a CSV import that has profiles for some competing apps, to import customer data. It will not import service data. If not included in our built-in profiles, you may need to alter the CSV file to use our anticipated headers, or you can ask us to add support for it.

Q: If I lose my iPad will I lose my data?

A: NO! Everything is stored in the cloud.

Q: Can I use the app on multiple devices?

A: YES! You can install it on as many iPads as you'd like and access the same data in the shop, at a convention or on a boat! Some studios may find it easiest to have multiple iPads that are dedicated to client sign in that are in use all at the same time.

Q: Can I use the app offline?

A: Currently, no. But we are planning on adding support for offline scenarios soon.

Q: Does it support Android tablets?

A: Version 1 only supports iPadOS and web. Once we have addressed any early usability feedback there may be we will begin working on Android.

Q: Can I use it on my iPhone?

A: Not currently. We will work to adapt the views to iPhone after early usability feedback is addressed.

Q: Does it support multiple user accounts?

A: YES! The owner of the app will sign in with their REV23 ID. You can also create passworded user accounts with flexible permissions for each user you want to have access. Soon we will support inviting other users via their REV23 so they can use this single sign-on as well.

Q: Does it support multiple studios?

A: YES! You can partition your app into separate studios. Though some things, such as the customer list are shared, your services will be separate depending on which studio you have selected to view. If you want things completely separate you can create multiple subscriptions and switch between the effortlessly.

Q: Can I use it as an independent artist?

A: YES! While REV23 Desktop was built in an era for tattoo studios with managers, counter staff, etc… the REV23 app takes a much more simple approach and was built first with independent artists in mind, then added things necessary for a fully functioning shop. Whether you have a private studio or five studios with 30 artists and 10 desk staff, REV23 will fit your needs!

Q: How much will it cost?

A: Pricing is TBD but it will be accessible to all, whether you're an independent artist, or have multiple studios. There will be packages based on number of artists. You do not need to pay for other staff user accounts, only those that require a “seat” to perform a tattoo or piercing. Webhook support may also be an additional fee.

Q: Is REV23 Desktop going away?

A: NO! REV23 Desktop for Windows is still in active development, and while it is slowed while this app has been in progress, there are still features to add. In fact, a new version with a very popular feature request is coming shortly! As we find concepts that work well in the app we will evaluate bringing them to REV23 Desktop.

Q: Should I move from REV23 Desktop to this new app?

A: That is up to you? While we fully expect some users that don’t utilize everything that REV23 Desktop has to offer will migrate over, some of you will find it too limited in its current feature set to remove REV23 Desktop from your life. Or, you may decide to replace certain components with other services and use REV23 for your client and release form management along with webhooks to keep everything synchronized.

Q: Will there be a free trial?

A: YES! There is a 10 day free trial. Why so short? This will give you all the time you need to determine if REV23 is right for you. When you have a longer period to trial, most people tend to put it off, thinking they have time to do it later. Since you will be billed after your trial, we want to make sure it's still fresh in your brain and you can make the necessary billing changes while it's fresh in your noggin!

Q: What are the minimum requirements?

A: You will need an iPad that runs a minimum version of iOS 15 to run the REV23 App.

Have any additional questions? We'll get them answered here!

REV23 - Nate Laff

Nate Laff

Nate is the founder and developer of REV23.


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